Children are destined by god to be a great person in life that is the reason why children need to face their studies squarely to make them build a better future for themselve. Children are the greatest asset today in which parent are expecting their success from them.
A child who want to build a better future for him or hersenif must work with god, face his/her studies, attend the class regularly must be attentive in the class, must desist from truancy, must have a dream and must be focused and determined. There are two important words above “BUILDING” and “FUTURE”
The word “ BUILDING” means many thin gs it simply means an act of making or setting a better future or goal for yourself . this has helped a student a lot and which a student need or have to inculcate the habit and let it be part of you all the time in everyway of your life.
The word “FUTURE” simply means a prospect of succes or achivement. A child must achive an aim of going to school and must ready to fulfill the aim. A child who want to be a great person like jamie Edwards, wole soyinka, obafemi awolowo, Nelson mandela, and so on must always demand for excellence and must embrace CODDP (co nsistent Day –by Day-practicing).
As a student you are the architech of your destiny and which you should it tightly so that it fill not fall from your hand. You should not rest. Until your better becomes best.