Mathematics is the root of all courses cutting the root of a tee, the tree falls down and that is its end, the knowledge of mathematics is used to meet the changing demand and problems of people in a dynamic society. It help to solve our man power needs. According to the national policy on education (1997)’mathematics education is a worth while persuit based on its instrinsic value. The ability of man to reason logically and think critically is one of the marks of an education man so the study of mathematics could be ammend in itself. It is an undistable fact that mathematics is one of the subjects that must be passed at credit level for any student to qualify for admission into highr institution. It is compulsory for all science students and even very essential for students that intends to study courses in the faculties of administration and social science and some of the courses in the faculties of Arts. Krutetskil has made an indisputable claim that “ the increased development of mathematics is necessary for the progress and effecttiveness of a whole series of major field of knowledge. It is the fundamental knowledge of science.
Therefore, mathematics is very important in the following ways: it is used in preparing individual for life. We consider the power of mathematics in character building through active involvement in personal success, work with others and opportunity for stimulating our curiousity, self expression and self criticism. The use of mathematics in engineering is very well known.
It is considered to be the foundation of engineering. Engineering deals with surveying, levelling, designing, estimating, construction etc. In all these processes, application of mathematics is very important. Mathematics is very important in Chemistry too. The balancing of nation, no doubt, requires the knowledge of simple equation or simultaneous equation.
Therefore, it is imperative for Chemistry students to have a thorough understanding of some mathematical concepts which are fundamental to any meaningful understaning of bonding between atomic and molecular studies.
Also, in Agricultural Science, where measurement of land or area average invesment on expediture or average return on income production per unit area, cost of labour, time and workseed rate enumerate etc. are considered good knowledge of mathmatics is needed. The progress of a farm can be presented in graphs different items of production. This will not be well executed without a good background in mathematics.
Finally, the physical application of mathematics is a thing of interest. It has led to the construction of plane wings. This is the important part of an aircraft which makes flight in the air possible.
Adetoro Precious
S.S. 1