What is Youth?
Youth is the existence preceding maturity or state of being young.The whole early part of life from chilhood to adulthood.
Without a doubt, youth today have many advantages but they have faced unprecedented challenges. One reason is that mankind is now living during the period of time which we call the conclusion of old the system of has also being foretold that this era would be married by massive social upheaver. It is also described as the era of the prevalent social condotions as hard to deal with”let us consider some of the hard to deal with challenges facing teens today.
Challenge one (1)
Increase isolation
Movies, tv shows and magazines have potrayed youth as constantly surrounded by group of friend who grow with them through school and maintain that bond as adult. It has being discovered that relatively few students consistently had the same best of friends or a small group of friends overtime encouraging, this trend toward isolation is the proliferation of electronic devices. Children between age 8 ane 18 spend six to seven hours a day with their eyes glued to the t.v their ears plugged with earphones and in their hands radio game
Challenge two (2)
Pressured for sex
Teens and preteens are under tremendous presure to experiment with sex. Casual sex is vey common among youth in the schools. Those who did not have sex are considered strange and conservative. The control that the family and other institution traditionally lettered have vanished leaving the youth as consualitives.
Challenge three (3)
Fractured families.
Youth all over the world have experience rapid changes in families structure and a shifting set of values. As divorce rates continue to rise more children are spending part of their childhood with single parent.
Challenge four(4)
Self-destuctive behaviours.
It has been revealed that hard drug use among 11 to 15 years old doubled within a year in foreing county, more than twenty percent of between 16 and 24 years of age are said to be alcohol dependent and over 200 teenagers suffer from chonic self-injury nevertheless there are some suggestions to how to solve some of these problems facing our youths.
Suggestion 1 (one)
a) Choose association over isolation.
b) Flee fom sexual immorality
c) Develop fellow felling for your parents.
In conclusion, all parents should provide consistent and loving guidance traning for their children. Read to them, eat with them, understand them. However parents are not perfect.
If you are a youth. You may feel your homelife is less than ideal and you may be right. Netherless, there is much you can do to reduce anxiety and in cease your hapiness. Note that the only way is to apply the wisdom from above.